Wedding Band to Charm Revivals
Introducing our first Revival project available directly through our website: Wedding Band Revivals
Wedding Band to Charm Revivals
Introducing our first Revival project available directly through our website: Wedding Band Revivals
Good Candidates for Revivals
So you have a jewelry box full of unworn or old jewelry and you are wondering how to get started...
Good Candidates for Revivals
So you have a jewelry box full of unworn or old jewelry and you are wondering how to get started...
Historical Revivals: La Peregrina
500 years of Revivals featuring the world's most famous pearl.
Historical Revivals: La Peregrina
500 years of Revivals featuring the world's most famous pearl.
The Last of the Pink Diamonds
“Diamond mines are not forever — not even the world’s most productive.”
The Last of the Pink Diamonds
“Diamond mines are not forever — not even the world’s most productive.”
Colored Gems & Sustainability
The rough (cut) side & unfair trade of the colored gem industry.
Colored Gems & Sustainability
The rough (cut) side & unfair trade of the colored gem industry.
Royal Revivals
Princess Diana's Redesigns of the Saudi Sapphire (and diamond, of course) Jewelry Suite.
Royal Revivals
Princess Diana's Redesigns of the Saudi Sapphire (and diamond, of course) Jewelry Suite.