A ring is a symbol of a promise -- be it through a long and loving marriage, through divorce, or every situation in between.
When that ring no longer holds the same meaning for you that it once did, deciding how to move forward can be a challenging and emotional process. We promise to help you figure out what’s right for you.
Ultimately, deciding what to do with your jewelry from a previous relationship should be a choice you make for yourself. It sounds cliche, but the right thing to do here is to follow your heart. Whatever design path you choose, we want you to feel positive about both your piece and your future.
Maybe that is trading in your precious materials for credit for a new piece, maybe it’s keeping part of the ring, or maybe it is reimagining the old and transforming it into the new.
In reinventing a new life and a new setting for your jewels, you can channel that positive & transformative energy into your own life. There is unspoken energy in the stones that live on our hands.
In reinventing a new life and a new setting for your jewels, you can channel that positive & transformative energy into your own life. There is unspoken energy in the stones that live on our hands.
Here are a few options to get you inspired:
Diamond solitaire necklace
Buy a second diamond and design a pair of earrings
Right-hand or signet ring
Dazzling diamond cluster earrings
Sky is the limit!
If none of these options feel right or you just want to start fresh, you can always trade your stones and metal for credit with us.